COVID-19 and our clinic
Our response
As everyone is aware COVID-19 is having a huge impact on how we conduct our work. The information and the changes we are making to our daily lifestyle is changing on a daily basis. So please check this site regularly when planning to attend our clinic.
When you have an appointment
As Covid-19 is changing our procedures, please allow a little more time to go through our screening process.

Frequently Asked Questions
We will be updating this page as new information arises, so please check on a regular basis
I have a cough and feeling unwell and would like to see a GP
If you have a cough and feeling unwell, please inform our admin staff via the phone. We can arrange a telehealth consults, a phone consult or on occasion an in person consult for you. When you arrive to the clinic please call our admin staff and wait in your car until your appointment time.
Am I allowed to be in the waiting room?
We are trying to stop people being in our waiting room. When you appointment is coming up please call us first to ensure we are running on time. When you arrive to the clinic, give us a call and wait in your car until you are called to attend.
I was wanting my children to attend with me.
At Deniliquin Clinic, we love children and usually more the merrier. Unfortunately with this current virus breakout we are trying to limit the number of people in one consult room. We ask only 1 child with 1 parent at one time. If this isn't suitable have a chat to us about telehealth options.
I am not feeling well and have a cough/sore throat/feeling short of breath of fever.
Please call the National COVID hotline on 1800 020 080 24/7 or the Murrumbidgee COVID-Hotline 1800 831 099 between 7am and 11pm. Our staff are very open to seeing people with the above criteria but it is important we direct you to the best place to be seen.
When will I be provided a COVID swab?
Testing is provided to anyone who has cold and flu-like symptoms. So if you have a cough, sore throat, feeling short of breath or have a fever feel free to call the clinic to discuss getting tested for COVID-19 or call the Murrumbidgee Corona helpline.
I'm pregnant or just had a baby. What should I do in these times?
Please head to our pregnancy page where we have a special section about COVID and pregnancy.
I have lots of medical issues/I'm a senior, should I come to the clinic?
For those more vulnerable in our community we can currently offer telehealth appointments via Skype or telephone appointments. Please discuss with our admin staff what will be the best option for you.